Enjoy an exploration of the pleasure and mystery of fine cigars and cigar culture. What sets this rite apart from other enjoyable practices? Our session will survey a variety of topics to include cigar making, unique cigar qualities, and cigar smoking technique and recommendations. Enhance your evening with the flavor, aroma, and nuance of a good cigar.
The evening of November 4th, we will be hosting a SEAD After Dark Cigar Night from 7-9 PM in the urban garden. Cigar aficionado, Christian Lynch, will be speaking on the art of cigars and we will host a cigar rolling demonstration. Afterwards, we hope our guests will enjoy their cigars and spirits with a newfound appreciation, all while enjoying the passionate community of cigar lovers in BCS.
We will be providing the venue, facilitator, and snacks. We encourage you to bring your own spirits and cigars.
Tickets to attend are $15. You must register to attend the course. To register for a course, visit http://bit.ly/2fZ4TaY.
A big thank you to our sponsor, Cavalier Cigar Co.!
Meet Christian
Christian is a graduate student in Nutrition at Texas A&M University. He earned his BS in Nutrition from Texas A&M and anticipates completion of graduate coursework in May of 2019.
Christian’s research interests include lifestyle diseases and their mechanisms, specifically maternal epigenetic factors on fetal programing, NAFLD, and adolescent and pre-adolescent obesity. With the knowledge and tools gained from undergraduate and graduate work, Christian plans to pursue a medical degree beginning in 2019. As a cancer survivor, he places a high value on nutrition and its application in disease course and prevention.
A Hispanic native of South Texas, Christian plans to return to the border region to serve as a primary care physician to improve health outcomes for the medically disadvantaged and underserved populations living in Colonias. His long-term goal is to manage a fleet of mobile clinics operating gratis.
Christian is a 14 year resident of Bryan/College Station. His hobbies include exercising, baroque music and art, and enjoying good food with his wife and best friend of 3 years. His public service involves companionship volunteering with Traditions Hospice and facilitating a restorative justice program for men currently incarcerated at the TDCJ Hamilton Unit in Bryan, TX.
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